Monday, 25 September 2017

Newborn baby found abandoned in big bag in the street

These shocking photographs show the moment a tiny newborn baby was found insider a bin bag on the side of a street. A video, posted online by a bystander, shows a number of men and women going towards the bag as they heard sounds.

As the group open the bag the find the baby, with the umbilical cord still attached, and attempt to try and help. One woman is seen putting on rubber gloves as she attempts to move the child from the bag without causing more harm.

The crowd struggle to stifle their shock as the woman lifts the baby from the bag and places it inside a blanket – finding the placenta is also attached.

It’s not known how long the baby had been in the bag however it’s believed that after being taken to hospital, it is still alive.

The video is thought to have been filmed in Asia, although the exact location is still not know. It’s likely the police will now launch a search for the mother of the child.

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